It's amazing! The second week of school has already ended!
I'm determined that this year is going to go by quickly. I would like to begin my big girl job soon, enough of this school stuff.
This has been my theme so far for the year, you can never have enough folders or organization.
I found these ones online today, i thought that they looked super cute. Although I already have some for myself this year, I might have to invest in more.

I've started a new project this summer with the scrapbooks. I have not really been doing my own, but rather I have been working on one for my soon to be sister-in-law. This is not an image out of the one I'm working on, but this just gives you an idea.
I find that with scrapbooking you can be creative or as dull as you want. It all just comes down to the mood you're in, and the feeilngs that you're getting fromt the pictures in front of you. Do you want to make it dramatic, exciting, happy, scarry, romantic or just crazy?! There are so many different options when it comes to creating this book.
Maybe some day in the future I'll be able to open my own shop!
(just a dream, but hey it could happen!)